Monday, August 24, 2020

Freight Transport in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Cargo Transport in Europe - Essay Example In the cutting edge time when each field is molding itself, European cargo transports have needed to refresh as indicated by globalization rehearses. Anyway the desire for 2010 is there as indicated by which it is normal that EU would take genuine measures to a large portion of the street separation. As indicated by Pompeo and Sapountzis (2002) one of the significant reasons that could be include towards a steady rate in cargo development is being presumptuous in facing challenges. (Pompeo and Sapountzis, 2002) obviously, the hazard factor is there when ERTRAC is quick to accomplish the accompanying by 2010: During 1973 to 1976 and 1977 to 1981 the need of the EU was to abstain from harming strategy sway; and in 1982 to 1986 and 1987 to 1992 the accentuation was on dangers and advantages of natural approaches for the inner market of cargoes. Indeed, even the European Environmental Agency considered mindful the EU for the street static transportation foundation and for the introduction to the contamination of water and air. In any case, during 1992 to 1999 there was a more grounded highlight on 'paradigmatic change' to reflect worldwide natural dangers, with proposed auxiliary change for open vehicle, vitality effectiveness and waste anticipation. (Carter and Turnock, 2002, p. 57) It began with the UK distribution, when in 1989 UK Transportation division concerning consistent development of streets offered some wistful comments. The comments were sufficiently passionate to twitch the Government to ponder the then transportation framework which comprised of a creating European market as far as coordinations and cargo. In this manner a program started which required overwhelming interest in motorways and trunk streets. It was declared that UK Government has chosen to improve the streets. The program was fruitful to the point that it adequately multiplied the current venture designs and was viewed as a pledge to the arrangement of framework 'fit to the single market and other serious difficulties of the 1990s and past'. It was likewise contended that the venture was essential for industry and to improve the nation's monetary geology, through expanding open doors for less preferred locales, helping urban recovery and helping increasingly prosperous territories to adapt to development. The program had come about because of a generous increment in street traffic (35 %) during the 1980s and the possibilities of a multiplying of street traffic from 1988 to 2025. Something must be done and the administration concluded that street building was the primary choice to be sought after. (Berechman and Banister, 2000, p. 3) The previous two decades in EU cargo The previous 50 years of European market has experienced colossal high points and low points, where ups have been for the most part started by the development of organized commerce which change the European market. The free development and evacuation of transport obstructions furnish the EU with the inspiration to make and lucky man their monetary market. Anyway in the underlying 90s the development through street transport was at little as 3%. There were many vehicle issues, among which the most

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mandate of Heaven

Presentation The first basis of the report is to look for and give an intricate clarification concerning the importance of the â€Å"Mandate of Heaven†. It additionally covers how China’s yellow waterway assumed a job in China’s development, how Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism ways of thinking, Great Wall and Silk Road, Opium Wars, and socialism influence China’s human advancement. â€Å"Ming† in early Chou was generally the magnificent order given to the decision class.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Mandate of Heaven explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, it has experienced two unique turns of events. It at first foreordained the ethical guidelines of paradise. Apparently the predominant or the decision house got authority from paradise to oversee and control the individuals. All things considered, when the prevalent or ruler was ousted, it streamlines a misfortune in the Mandate of Heaven. Subseq uently, the idea of Mandate of Heaven takes after the magnificent right of rulers in that the option to run streams legitimately from God’s will. The ruler or prevalent accepts that the manner in which they administer a state is as per the desire of Heaven, and that individuals need to comply with the unrivaled that has prearranged the command or power to control them. Basically, it was a thought of power or authenticity of a ruler to direct under the paradise. In this way, the better turned into a natural delegate than care for the individuals, just as the government assistance of their subjects. China’s Yellow River The Zhou and Shang administrations denoted a mind boggling human advancement period for China. During this period, Chinese conventions and social qualities were spread and happened all through Asia. China’s yellow waterway assumed an imperative job, just as the key impact on farming in China. The turn of events and achievement of urban communities, asset exchanging and work openings additionally depended on the yellow waterway. The Pamir, Tian and Himalaya mountain goes, the Mongolian steppe, just as deserts, for example, the Gobi and Takla Makan, disengage China from the eastern half of the globe. Accordingly, head out was troublesome because of the colossal path of mountains, hence, making exchange and transportation troublesome, too. As a matter of fact, individuals didn't go by foot since correspondence would be made immensely moderate. As another option, travel was basic through Yangzi and Yellow streams. What's more, horticulture and exchange couldn't be adequate without the waterways. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism Philosophies China has monstrous history in religion and workmanship. As of now, religion in China is instituted â€Å"Chinese Religion† since it isn't composed yet a consolidated development. Chinese culture sorts religion into four conventions: Confucianism, Chinese society religion, Buddhism and Taoism.Advertising Looking for paper on topography? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Most individuals in China blend religion in with their day by day convictions. What's more, the Chinese government assumes a significant job in directing the religion that individuals ought to follow. The Chinese craftsmanship is established on these three key religions: Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The recently referenced religions put accentuation on adoration for nature. Thus, scenes, creatures, blossoms and feathered creatures comprise the set up subjects of the craft of Chinese. Incredible Wall and Silk Road The Silk Road, which is known as the silk course is a wide-going interconnected, arrangement of associations of exchange courses that transverse the Asian landmass. It interfaces East, West, and Southern Asia with the Mediterranean nations, just as the Eastern and Northern Europe and Africa. The beginning of the name Silk Roa d is connected to the broad trans-mainland silk exchange that happens in China. The silk exchange came into activity when China had the rule of Han line. Likewise, to silk, the other noteworthy element is the Silk Road that was utilized to convey some other product to frame some portion of the critical world history. In that equivalent light, the Silk Road is viewed as the world’s most established intercontinental courses that stretch and maintains an extensive number of religions specifically the Buddhism through Central Asia. This communicate/dissemination has not just had an extensive effect on the lives and societies in demanding nations inside the mainland, however it has additionally left the residents of those nations with an expanse of miracles in writing and workmanship. Workmanship and iconography are the two primary structures that have assumed a critical job in the transmission of strict conventions up and down the Silk Road. The Great Wall of China is a proof and a genuine thing to the Chinese’s broad excursion of development. The divider was worked to shield the nation from trespassers, just as a demonstration of riches and influence in antiquated China. Opium Wars The rule of Qing tradition dreaded insecurity because of the impacts of the outside world, particularly European nations. This came about to refusal of the merchants into the nation. Accordingly, wars were utilized to open exchange, especially for opium. China lost the war, and this cleared method to marking of settlements that saw huge exchanging organizations being opened in Hong Kong. Socialism The beginning of socialism saw a substitute extricating and fixing of political and financial approaches. It guaranteed redistribution of riches through land changes, and starting influence structure that was concentrated. What's more, socialism prompted a crusade coordinated against tax avoidance, pay off, robbery of government resources, undermining materials and work, and tak ing government financial secrets.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Mandate of Heaven explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, socialism moved the monetary framework to communist, instead of private possession. China strived to accomplish monetary development and advancement established on intentional destabilization. The video investigates the various angles that influenced the Chinese human progress. This article on Mandate of Heaven was composed and put together by client Desiree Holder to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; nonetheless, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ingredients for a black hole 1. Hydrogen 2. Soda 3. Bottle

Ingredients for a black hole 1. Hydrogen 2. Soda 3. Bottle I think that I could make a black hole, Carl says. I raise an eyebrow. Really? How? He rubs his hands together and squints. A lightbulb goes off, his hands come apart, and when he beams I notice that hes missing one of his front teeth. The typical eight-year-olds look.  Id just need..hydrogen. Hydrogen? Yeah, hydrogen. And soda. And a bottle to mix them in. And thenBOOOOOOOOOOOOM! He whisks his hand around in a circle, to mimic an accretion disk. *     *     * I met Carl two weeks ago, at a McCormick observatory public night.  McCormicks 26-inch refracting telescope was the second largest telescope in the world, when it was built 128 years ago. After an illustrious career of astrometry, UVA now uses it primarily for teaching and public outreach.  On the first and third Friday every month, the refractor slews to Saturn or the moon or a globular cluster or a double star system. If its clear outside, well over a hundred visitors flow into and out of the building. They cluster in the dome, waiting for their turn to climb up the wooden steps and stretch to meet the lens. I once saw a woman squint a Saturn, and without taking her eye from the lens, reach out her right hand as though to close her fingers around the planet. Adjacent to the dome, there are three little exhibit rooms, with posters of Saturn and its moons, and glass cases of meteorites. At the end of the hall, theres a room with a projector and around 60 chairs, where UVA graduate students take turns giving talks. I give talks, too. Getting this gig took a little bit of madness. Knowing that I needed to get in touch with someone named Ricky (I didnt have a last name or contact details), I wandered around the crowded observatory grounds yelling RICKY! until some guy raised his hand, then approached him and said I wanted to give talks and volunteer at the open nights. He looked a little bewildered, but said sure. A highlight of my 20 years on this planet was when the man at the grocery store salmon counter looked at me and said Hey! You gave the talk, right? About the pul, uh, plusa Pulsars? I offered. Yeah, pulsars! Close enough. I gave my pulsar talk this summer as well, and two weeks later  gave a talk on radio astronomy. There are some repeat visitors who have learned my name (yay!) as well as new friends. After my radio astro talk, I talked for about 45 minutes with an equestrian, who had brought her grandson to the open night for his eighth birthday. Carl has big blue eyes, blond hair, and loves physics and astronomy; he told me all about black holes, accretion disks around quasars (something about hearing an eight-year-old say accretion disk makes me very happy) and planetary formation. He picked up a board marker and drew diagrams to describe string theory.  His grandma told me that she thinks Carl will become a professor one day, because he loves to teach. What do you do with an eight-year-old who gobbles up information faster than you can provide it? I tried to brainstorm some resources; I made them a list of authors, TV shows, documentaries, and facilities to visit. Apparently, Carl really really wants to learn Algebra, but theyve been struggling to find an Algebra for Kids! book.  I said that I would be happy to teach him the basics, sometime, and gave his grandma my e-mail address. Eventually, the observatory closed and it was time to leave. The next week (last week) I was in New Mexico (more on that in another post.)   But Im back now, so today Carl and his grandma picked me up at 11am. We drove to an Irish Pub, where I used onion rings (does anyone actually know what an Irish Pub is?) to teach Carl about fractions and percentages (he wanted to learn about percentages because he really likes the % sign.) We played equation hangman, regular hangman (I really stumped him with telescope. Also, it totally blew his mind when he wrote down _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ and I immediately guessed black hole. Carl: HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT???? He thinks Im a wizard.) We talked about the brain, about learning and elasticity, about the two hemispheres controlling the opposite sides of your body. I was suddenly glad and proud that Ive taken classes and read about lots of different areas of math and science, and not just astronomy. After we marveled that all of the elements in our body originated in the Big Bang / stellar cores / supernovae, I taught Carl to play pool (a challenge, since the pool cue was probably taller than he was.) Carl told his grandma that Im good at pool because she knows physics! Heck, yeah. Physics! REPRESENT! On that note, we sank the last ball and walked back to the car. When we pulled up to my house, Carls grandma thanked me profusely, while I turned around and thanked Carl for his company. Im not sure how to think about my day. It was refreshing and rewarding and all the things you would expect hanging out with an enthusiastic brilliant adorable little kid to be. But it also made me feel sad, because I cant hang out with every little kid whos into science; most dont get the chance to spend time with scientists. It also made me think differently about what it means to do public outreach. The purpose of public outreach is not to just emerge from our labs every couple of months to give a talk, teach some science, spread some knowledge, then retreat again. The goal is sustained engagement with a community. Also, outreach isnt necessarily something you do wearing a nametag. Whether we like it or not, we are representing the scientific community all the time. I realized during lunch that Carl thought of me as A Scientist, even though I was sitting in front of a chicken sandwich and a pile of onion rings, instead of standing in front of a podium with PowerPoint slides lighting up my face. What a privilege to be able to teach and inspire people, inside and outside the lab and the office and the obsevatory, in jeans and a t-shirt as well as more presentable attire! And what a privilege to share excitement with people like Carl. One day, I hope that some lucky kid and his grandma take Professor Carl out to lunch.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Development Of The Middle Phase Of Group Work

There are many tasks, skills, and actions involved in the middle phase of group work. The leader must assist the group in making progress on individual and group goals, attend to group dynamics, assist members with connecting with resources, use the best practical techniques, implement the appropriate group approaches, complete record-keeping, and access and use supervision. The leader will assist the members in making progress by reinforcing connections, offering problematic ideas and activities, assess progress, identifying difficulties and obstacles, attending to special needs of an individual, engaging members in problem solving, summarizing group sessions, planning for the next steps, and re-contracting with members as needed. The†¦show more content†¦Often the parents have to be encouraged to take the role of the parent and guided to interact and respond to their children appropriately. I model this behavior throughout each visitation while decreasing the amount of mod eling I do as the parents start to implement the modeled behavior. I complete record keeping during and after each visitation to provide the family case manager a detailed report of attendance, arrival and departure times, a narrative of interactions, strengths, issues, then provide a recommendation of services to assist the family in meeting all the needs of the family. The desired outcome is to increase parent involvement with the children, establish limits and routine within the family, and provide the family with guidance to increase communication. The reports that I complete allow the family case manager and the courts to see the progress or lack of progress the family accomplishes during each visit. The Father’s Engagement Group is an educational group that is intended to assist fathers in becoming more involved in the lives of their children, increasing parenting skills, and becoming a positive role model in the lives of their children. One of the first skills that ar e used is attending to any special needs that the members have. This is accomplished by the leader completing individual intakes and making observations during the group session. One special need that I was able to attend to with one particular parentShow MoreRelatedTeaching Mathematics And The Middle School Classroom872 Words   |  4 Pages After teaching mathematics in a middle school classroom, I recognized my likes and dislikes about teaching math. My biggest dislike about teaching mathematics is the fact that many students have a negative attitude about mathematics and have become discouraged throughout their elementary years. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

What Is Computer Security - 936 Words

WHAT IS COMPUTER SECURITY? The process of preventing and detecting the use of data in the computer by any individuals without authorization is referred to as Computer Security. It is also known as cybersecurity or IT security. It involves the process of protecting computer resources from intruders for their own gains. Anti-virus, firewalls, data encryption, password protection are the main measures that encompass the computer security. It is mainly concerned with four main areas: 1. Confidentiality: It refers to as only authorized users can access the data in the computer. 2. Integrity: It refers to only authorized users should be able to modify the data. 3. Availability: It refers to the data should be available to users when needed. 4. Authentication: It refers to the process by which a system verifies the identity of a user who wishes to access it. WHY IS COMPUTER SECURITY SO IMPORTANT? Since many of our day to day works depends on the computer, we use them for everything like banking, shopping, chatting, emailing, etc. Although you may not want to maintain your communications top secret, you probably do not want strangers accessing and using your computer. Data present in the computer can be misused by unauthorized intrusions. An intruder can send a forged email, can change the program source code, examine personal information, and attack other computers by using your computer. Malicious intents can also be a factor in computer security. Intruders use your computerShow MoreRelatedThe Basic Internet And Its Security1420 Words   |  6 Pages4th hour April 8, 2015 The Basic Internet and Its Security What is the basic internet and how do you make it safe? Most people in the world have a computer but do not know what makes a computer a computer. Most people do not even know what device would qualify as a computer. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

City Life Verses Country Life Free Essays

City life v/s Country Life Many people would rather live in the city rather than the country to the fact that the city has more jobs, bus lines to commute to and from. The city life also has a higher crime rate than the country, pollution and a higher cost of living. First of all, I love the country life because I’m able to grow my own garden, raise farm animals compared to the city I wouldn’t be able to raise horses or cows in the city limits. We will write a custom essay sample on City Life Verses Country Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also living in the country I will be in a less polluted atmosphere away from the noise of the busy streets and people . By living in the country I wouldn’t have to spend as much money on gas I could possibly travel by horse to get to my destination. City living is also known for having high crime rates as to the country is much less, I would rather raise my children in a safe country cottage than a city high rise apartment. Even though it’s harder to receive all the great benefits of the city life such internet/cable television there are a lot of fun things me and my family can do in the country. With all the great benefits of both country and city living I would definitely say that country living is where I and my family will continue to live for now . As for the city life and people it’s hard to give a place I love and called home for so long. How to cite City Life Verses Country Life, Essays

Monday, April 27, 2020

Summary of Interview with John (Fire Station Chief)

Interview with Senior Manager Summary of Interview with John (Fire Station Chief) The first interviewee was the Chief of a fire department. Concerning his day-to-day work, the Chief reported that most of his work revolves around financial management and allocation of the resources of the fire department and ensuring that the firefighters in the department receive proper training.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of Interview with John (Fire Station Chief) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Chief reported that the most critical problem facing the department is safety. The firefighters’ job is very risky. The third question asked about the skills needed to succeed in the line of work. The manager’s response related to the skills needed to be a firefighter, and not a manager. The fourth question dealt with the reasons why some people have failed in the line of work. The Chief said that those w ho fail in the line of work do not have the patience to learn and grown in the trade. In the fifth question, the Chief pointed out that the most important skill needed to be the manager of the fire department is the ability to solve problems. In the final question, the Chief said the qualities he would look for in someone meant to replace him are openness, availability, and a hands-on approach to work. Management Functions The four management functions of planning, controlling, organizing, strategizing in the Chief’s line of work are clear. The Chief is in charge of planning for the operations of the department. He ensures that there are resources for use in the operations of the fire department. In the area of controlling, it is up to him to ensure that the financial resources given to the department are sufficient to run the department for a given period. The Chief said that the money given to the department mainly goes to the payroll, which accounts for ninety percent of t he department’s expenses. Organizing the department is also part of the Chief’s work. He is responsible for planning to ensure that all the activities of the fire department take place in an organized manner. Finally, the Chief is in charge of strategizing regarding the operations of the department. He determines the number of staff needed and he finds the best way to meet the shortfall based on his experience as a firefighter. Similarities and Differences to Other Managers The fire station Chief is responsible for higher level thinking for the entire department. The issues the Chief raises cut across the operations of the entire department. In this sense, his work is different from the work of the other managers. The main similarity between the Chief’s work and that of other managers is that they all work with people.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thi s means that it is the job of all managers interviewed to supervise, to motivate, and to organize resources and staff to achieve departmental goals. The unique role that a senior manager plays shows in the high scores the Chief gave to the functional aspects of management that he handles. His scores are the highest in all categories compared to the other two managers. Interview with Middle Level Manager Summary of Interview The second interview was with Sarah, who is the Assistant Dean of Academic Services in the School of Business. Sarah reports to the Dean, but the school’s staff report to her. In this sense, she is a middle level manager. When asked about how her typical day looks like, Sarah pointed out that her work varies a lot to the extent that it is difficult to have a clear picture of what a typical day looks like. She said what she does depend on the time of the year. During the registration period, spends a lot of time discussing majors, internships, and solving p roblems related to the registration of students. At other times, she does exam assessments and grading of papers. The most critical problem Sarah faces is dealing with issues requiring the intervention of a parent or a guardian. In many cases, the person responsible for taking care of the student is never aware of what the student is going through. Sarah finds herself bridging this gap very often. Sara pointed out three skills needed to succeed in her line of work. First, one must be a good listener because different people come with different sorts of problems. Secondly, one must know how to delegate. Other people can solve some problems more effectively, and it is impossible to handle all the needs that come your way. Thirdly, one must know how to take charge in situations. Sarah pointed out that those who fail in her position are poor listeners. She added that they are also rude and that they are oblivious of what is going on around them. The job needs someone engaged with the is sues. When asked about the skills needed to succeed in her job, Sarah said that the job requires a team player because of the need to refer people to other places. She also added that it is very important to be a good listener. The two skills Sarah would pass on to someone that should replace her are the ability to organize oneself, and the requirement to be kind to all people. Management Functions Sarah’s involvement in the four management functions of planning, controlling, organizing, and strategizing are as follows. Her need to plan revolves around her work. The workload on her desk requires someone who can effectively plan her time. She has fewer powers to control what happens in the school because the dean sets the standards for control.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of Interview with John (Fire Station Chief) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, she plays an important role in impleme nting the controls and ensuring that everything goes according to the overall plan. Sarah does a lot of work that involves organizing issues. Arranging for internships and meeting student to discuss majors requires a person to have a high ability to organize operations. On the issue of strategizing, Sarah participates in meetings that develop strategy for the operations of the School of Business. Therefore, she is part of the team that develops strategies for the School of Business Similarities and Differences to Other Managers Sarah as a middle level manager reports to the Dean. She has people working under her, while she works under someone. She has a higher degree of independence in the execution of her work compared to Jesse, the low-level manager. However, she does not have much say about financial management priorities of the organization. Sarah scored moderately high on the specific aspects of management that her work demands. Her scores were lower than the Chief’s buy higher than Jesse’s scores. Interview with Low-Level Manager Management Functions The person interviewed as a low-level manager is Jesse, who is the Director of Global Education. In the first question, Jesse said that most of the work she does revolve around talking to current and prospective international students who need clarifications of various kinds. She also attends many meetings related to her work. Jesse’s response to the second question, about her most critical challenge at work, was managing the budget. She said that she must do a lot of work, but that the work must be within budget. The third question in the interview was about the critical skills needed to succeed in her line of work. The skills listed by Jesse were communication skills, motivational skills and mentorship skills. The need for good communication skills come from the nature of work in the office. She has to communicate with current and prospective international students on a regular basis. She also has to communicate with her superiors and colleagues in meetings. As a low-level manager, Jesse has a high need to motivate her team and to mentor the team. She depends on her team to handle the workload effectively hence the need to keep the morale high. She also needs to ensure that they are becoming better at what they are doing in order to achieve the best results. Managers in Jesse’s position fail because of stress and burnout, the workload is very distributed. Therefore, a manager can easily feel overwhelmed by the number of issues to handle. Jesse also pointed out that those who fail have poor delegation skills, or are not willing to delegate some of the work. When asked about the outstanding skill other managers in her position have, Jesse said that the ability to trust team members, ability to mentor them, and good project management skills count. The main things Jesse would stress to someone who she is training to replace her is to follow laid down departme ntal rules and procedures. Management Functions An evaluation of the Jesse’s involvement in the four management functions of planning, controlling, organizing, and strategizing reveal the following. First, she has a very important role to play in the planning of the operations of the department. She is in charge of the delivery of the mandate of the Global Education Department hence the need to plan well. Secondly, she exercises a lot of control in relation to the work of the subordinates in the department.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, she does not have much say in budgetary allocations. Her role in organizing the operations of the department is also very important. As the department head, she must make sure that all members of staff are doing the right things to cover their work quota. Finally, she has an important responsibility in the development of strategy. Her role in the development of strategy is to figure out how to execute the mandate of the department based on the goals provided by senior administrators in the institution. Similarities and Differences to Other Managers Jesse work is similar to the other managers in the area of people management. However, she has a more task oriented job description as shown by the clarity of her day-to-day work. In addition, she says that the best way to handle the work she does is by following the rules and sticking to the departmental policy. She works more as an executor of strategy rather than a developer of the strategy. Compared to the Fire Station Chief, she has few options related to sourcing for financing and determining the staffing rules. Jesse had the lowest scores in management functions. This essay on Summary of Interview with John (Fire Station Chief) was written and submitted by user Moises Mcneil to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Lab Safety Report Essays

Lab Safety Report Essays Lab Safety Report Essay Lab Safety Report Essay The lab safety picture has provided valuable information to better fix me to be safe in lab and travel by the Seminole State College Lab protocol. I watched the lab picture link-http: //flash. seminolestate. edu/vod/chemistry/startingwithsafety/startingwithsafety. hypertext markup language. and learned lab safety. The subjects addressed were dressing suitably. how to manage chemicals safely. Bunsen burner and glasswork safety. and the exigency equipment available in the lab. I feel I have been informed of the proper processs and regulations to remain safe and protect my schoolmates. instructor and my personal safety in the research lab scene. Before come ining a lab one should see the regulations that need to be applied. The garb considered necessary are proper Googles. long bloomerss. long arms ( non excessively loose ) . jewellery removed. baseball mitts ( if required ) . and apron ( if necessary ) . Besides a pupil is responsible for their behaviour and should hive away personal points. non fool around. and neer convey nutrient and drinks to the lab. Then a lab can be conducted in a safe mode with the extra consciousness provided in the undermentioned subjects. The first subject addressed was how to manage chemicals safely. When utilizing acids or bases in a lab proper eyewear. baseball mitts. and aprons should be worn if necessary. The chemicals should be kept from the eyes and tegument. and if happen to acquire in eyes use an oculus wash or lavish instantly. When blending chemicals: read and reread labels. merely mix chemicals when told to by instructor and utilize the proper sized ( normally smaller ) container. When utilizing acid merely add acid to H2O. non the contrary order. In the instance of an accident. describe the spill to teacher instantly. Upon lab clean up. throw stuffs in proper containers and do non pour acids down the sink. The 2nd subject addressed was Bunsen burner and glasswork safety. The Bunsen burner is unsafe and therefore safeguard demands to be taken. The apparatus should get down with the proper connexion of the gas hosiery. and when enkindled base clear. The burner should be turned off instantly if the fire goes out. spatters or fires happen. or there is a odor of gas. The Bunsen burner can be used with glass beakers for heating chemicals. However. the glasswork should be checked for clefts. and one time hot should be removed with tongs or baseball mitts. When utilizing delicate glass tubings. custodies should be protected with leather baseball mitts and lubrication should be used with gum elastic inserter and so washed off. If a thermometer is needed the appropriate temperature ( intoxicant or mercury- depending on temperature scope ) should be used and understood that no shaking is necessary. The Bunsen burner is among some of the equipment used often but can do injury if used improperly. The concluding subject addressed the exigency processs and equipment needed if accidents were to originate in the research lab. The lab room is equip with first assistance kits. fire asphyxiators. fire covers. oculus wash Stationss. exigency chemical showers. and proper deposal containers. However. hopefully one will non necessitate to be used with careful safeguards and common sense. For illustration. if a ledgeman is on fire merely cover it to incorporate the fire before a fire asphyxiator or emptying is needed. The exigency equipment is at that place to guarantee safety in instance of an accident or exigency and should be used suitably. In decision. the research lab is a unsafe topographic point if the proper concern for safety is non taken earnestly. Therefore the picture has given the proper guidelines and protocols demands to run a safe lab for all to bask.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Bar vs. Debar

Bar vs. Debar Bar vs. Debar Bar vs. Debar By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, Could you perhaps elaborate on the use of the verbs â€Å"bar† and â€Å"debar† in the sense of â€Å"exclude from†? The sources available to me are not clear in this instance. Both verbs are figurative expressions that derive from a use of the object called a bar: â€Å"a straight piece of wood, metal, or other rigid material, long in proportion to its thickness.† Bars are used to limit the ability of people or animals to enter or leave an area. As a verb, bar has these uses: 1. to make a place secure by placing bars or other obstacles across openings Coinneachs mother  barred the opening with  her stick and waited. When these parties were out of the house, he locked up the doors, and  barred the windows  by nailing boards and slats across them to prevent entry in that direction. The first portion of the descent is through the narrow gorge of La Chaine, so called from a chain having been stretched across it by the Swiss  to bar the entrance.   2. to forbid entrance to a place (figuratively) A mayor in Florida says he is barring Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump from his city after the businessmans latest idea to prevent Muslims from entering the United States. Lawyer attempts to bar journalists from court proceedings 3. to prevent an action, activity, or event While there are many reasons to bar a person from leaving Malaysia, the Immigration Department can only do so for people having invalid passports. Police dogs barred from crowd-control duty in St. Louis following review of Ferguson protests Debar entered English from a French verb meaning â€Å"to unbar, to remove bars.† In modern English usage, however, debar is used with the following meanings: 1. to exclude or shut out from a place or condition. 2. to set a bar or prohibition against; to prohibit, prevent, forbid. Here are recent examples of the use of debar: Bengal is one of the eight  teams debarred from  FIFAS Boys (U-13) Football Festival for fielding over-aged players in the team. The new rule, that a student might participate in only two of the three seasons for athletics, at once  debarred  Captain Randall, of the baseball  team. A total of 230 commerce  students- 75 each from the first-, second- and third-year- of N M College have been  debarred  from appearing for their semester-end examinations that start this weekend for failing to fulfill the minimum attendance criterion. Many writers more or less openly announce their desire to see motor-cars abolished and debarred  from the  use  of the highway altogether. (From a 1902 source) Well into the twentieth century  women  were  debarred  from sitting on juries. Both verbs are used to mean exclude or prevent, but to bar is far more common than to debar. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How Many Tenses in English?What to Do When Words Appear Twice in a RowStarting a Business Letter with Dear Mr.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Explaining the Magic of Physics in Everyday Life Assignment

Explaining the Magic of Physics in Everyday Life - Assignment Example This is because natural motion seems similar when time is run backwards as the laws of motion are symmetric in relation to reversal of time. In Peter’s case, time was run backwards in the film. The equations required to explain motion under consistent acceleration are similar as those used to explain the motion of an object in a film playing in reverse. The tension on the pants would not be changed at all. Tension is as a result of two forces acting in opposite directions. It is a tensor. It can be assumed that in the Levi Strauss trademark when the two horses are pulling the pants each horse exerts a force of 10,000N, hence, each horse is exerting the same amount of force on the pants which results in a deadlock. If one horse was used to pull the pants while attached to a tree trunk, the tree trunk would also exert an equal amount of force because for every action there is a reaction. Hence, the tension in the pants would not be reduced by one half. For if it was to be reduced by one half, it means the horse would pull away the pants from the log. Air bubbles rise steadily under water. This is because air is less dense than water therefore the force of gravity acting on the bubble will be less causing the air bubble to float. The air bubble will increase its size to the surface of the water since it expands with decreasing pressure. As the volume of the bubbles increases, they will become less dense than water because of the lowered pressure. The iron disk is a metal which is a solid. It is well known that when solids are heated, they expand. Molecules in the iron disk vibrate about their mean position upon heating. As the heating is increased, the vibration of the molecules in the iron disk about their mean position increases. The molecules in the iron disk will move farther from each other as the energy from heating increases. This means that the iron disk shall expand. The diameter of the hole

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The most important concepts in the business-supply chain relationship Essay

The most important concepts in the business-supply chain relationship - Essay Example For example, the supply chain of an automaker is different from that of a consumer electronics goods manufacturer, meaning their infrastructure also contrast (Oliveira and Gimeno 29). Suppliers in the automotive industry must have adequate capital and facilities to provide materials at competitive prices, and these materials are unique to that industry. On the other hand, automakers should have the capacity to store and process these materials to develop the product and then sell it through the distribution networks. Suppliers and producers must observe relevant legal requirements in their specific industries to avoid attracting punitive measures that would handicap their capacity and freedom to operate (Oliveira and Gimeno 54). Industry-specific legal and regulatory requirements must be observed by both parties, or their relationship would be compromised by interruptions and constraints. For businesses, social and working conditions are part of company policy regarding employee welfare and the employer-employee relationship. They are also closely related to the labor policies of whichever countries they operate in. In recent times, there have been reports of employee maltreatment involving poor working conditions, extremely low wages, and lack of employee rights, especially among suppliers (Stadtler, Kilger, and Meyr 42). Large companies like Nike have been accused of working with rogue suppliers who do not respect labor rights, and this has damaged their reputations. As such, businesses and supply chains must demonstrate adherence to ethical practices and respect for labor laws. This involves communication and operational efficiency. To keep the supply chain running optimally, suppliers must communicate with their partners at various levels and ensure that all processes run seamlessly. There has to be good communication between businesses and suppliers, to reduce

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Meno - Shape :: essays research papers

"Shape is that which alone of existing things always follows color." "A shape is that which limits a solid; in a word, a shape is the limit of a solid." In the play Meno, written by Plato, there is a point in which Meno asks that Socrates give a definition of shape. In the end of it, Socrates is forced to give two separate definitions, for Meno considers the first to be foolish. As the two definitions are read and compared, one is forced to wonder which, if either of the two, is true, and if neither of them are true, which one has the most logic. When comparing the first definition of shape: "that which alone of existing things always follows color," to the second definition: "the limit of a solid", it can be seen that the difference in meaning between the two is great. Not only in the sense that the first is stated simply and can be defended easily, while the later is more difficult to comprehend and back up; but also in the sense that the second would have to involve the defiance of mathematical theories and/or proofs in order to stand true, while the first does not. It should also be noted that in the first def inition, the word "a" is never mentioned. Socrates is not making a statement about "a shape" or "a color", but about shape and color themselves. In the definition given to please Meno, Socrates' words are "a shape" and "a solid". It can be taken from earlier discussions in the play that the second definition is simply a definition of a shape, rather than a definition of shape in and of itself. In the simple sentence that Socrates originally gives to Meno, he has not given then definition of a shape, rather he has given the definition of the term shape. For example, if a person was asked what a triangle is, the response would most likely be that it is a shape, but shape would never be defined as shape itself. It is simply an object that falls under the category of shape. Therefore, in one sentence, Socrates has put a definition to shape, for without color there can be no shape, there could not even be a shape to fall under the category that would have once been known as "shape". None of the examples that Socrates and Meno discussed could prove the definition false.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Liberty in the history of America Essay

Liberty is defined as the manner in which one or groups of people or organism are let free from oppression, starvation, slavery or disturbance of what ever kind. However, there are different definitions and perspectives of the term as used by different personalities, communities, and groups of people. In the history of America, liberty has been used differently to express different ideas. If you tethered a cow on a green pastureland to feed you would be surprised at it when it feeds a little then starts to stretch away from the green pasture. If it is untied, it begins to feed just around the same spot. It wants to be free. There is good pasture. Why is it that the cow can not just feed and wait to be driven home in the evening? If a toddler was given an interesting play toy and left in a locked room with plenty of light, it would stop playing and start to fight its way out of the locked room. Why would it begin to cry and stop playing yet it is not tethered, it is not sick or uncomfortable? We must look for freedom even when we are not pressed down so hard. In fact, liberty according to Lincoln’s observation in 1864 is a term that is used to refer to different things or terms when used by different groups of people. Lincoln emphasizes that liberty means differently in the South as well as in the North. He says that though liberty is the same word for all, it has different implications for different persons and regions. In other wards, the meaning of the term liberty is depends on the context within which it is used by the speaker. This essay focuses on the different perspectives of the term liberty as used by different personalities, at different situations, and at different times or seasons. The North, for example, has its own understanding of the term victory. More so, Douglass differs with Lincoln, in the opinion of what liberty is. On the other hand, the factory owner and the planter have different definitions of the term liberty. Douglass feels that freedom from slavery would be best known as liberty. He came up with a new idea on what slavery entailed. Although in most cases slavery was only associated with offering services in cotton farms of in America, Douglass felt that it was wide spread to as far as the rice farms in South Carolina. He also talks of slavery being exercised in the household services offered to the elites of Boston. In addition to this, Douglass feels humiliated by lack of freedom in the carting services in Manhattan as a means of transportation of goods. He calls this slavery. He is disappointed by the manner in which Black Americans were mistreated, how the freed slaves were mishandled along the streets as well as the interaction of the white reformers, slaves and freed blacks. At this point in life, Douglass decided to recapture the drama of their fighting interaction with a focus on the black Americans, some of whom he recaptured dramatic experiences as they fought for republican slogans fulfillment. Douglass wrote very moving stories on slavery and liberty thus describing what freedom would have meant to the enslaved. In his text entitled, ‘Death or Liberty,’ Douglass highlights the plight of African American Slaves and the experiences with their masters. For example, Qouk Walker, a freedom fighter and a slave who is said to have taken his master to the court. Jones who was enslaved at Delaware house and had to purchase liberty, is also described as a freedom fighter by Douglass. For sure slavery is inhuman since some of the slaves lost there lives due to ignorance of the masters, some were mistreated and had poor health besides working so hard. Some slaves went through a revolutionary act in order to buy their freedom. Although the revolution was a good way to demand for freedom, Douglass argues that the plotters had little or no courage to pursue it as effectively as to gain the liberty they wanted. However, it is undisputed that the activists in the Northern States got their freedom through the battle. Nevertheless, they would not have found equality. It was a matter of death or liberty. Freedom from slavery had to be obtained through a revolution in America. Liberty, according to Abraham Lincoln, is defined differently from the north. Eric Foner says that civil war in America was a source of freedom blessings. Thus the civil war was paramount. â€Å"Civil war resulted in a new birth in freedom,† remarked Lincoln. The United States fight for independence in the civil war is seen to have been very necessary since it resulted in new forms of liberty. Liberty is not only found in the lack of enslavement but also in politics, economics and civil strives in America. Independence Declaration in America underscores the most fundamental human right of Americans. More so, the constitution publicizes its rationale in securing the good fortune of freedom. In fact, President Roosevelt declared that the United States of America fight for the Civil War was not to be taken for granted since it brought with itself different forms of freedom. To emphasize on liberty, the president said that America’s liberty is symbolized by liberty caps, the legal â€Å"statutes of liberty,† and the liberty poles. In Americas expression of freedom they burnet draft cards, escaped from slavery, exercising the voting rights, as well as the burn of stamps. In this way Roosevelt expressed contentment in the four kinds of freedom achieved by the end of Civil War. To confirm the result of the war as a source of freedom, Bunch Ralph authored a text in the year 1940 stating that all persons within the streets of U. S were aware of the fact that America was well known as â€Å"land of the Free. † The term liberty in America did not stop growing after the civil war. It has been growing and changing with the history of the country. Freedom will be used in economic terms as freedom of economy where there is a misconception of the freedom to the access to fire arms by different individual and anti-government militia who claim to be oppressed in different ways. They argue that the right to own arms should be prioritized. According to modifications of the of the 1776 modern America’s â€Å"Declaration of Independence† some economic freedoms have been expressed. Today, Freedom from different forms of taxation, United Nations membership by the U. S. , welfare declarations and regulation of economies, encompasses freedom. Globalization is a form of economic freedom which comes along with heated debates over who to trades with who and how? In reality, freedom has changed from just the mere decline of the civil wars’ blessings to economic and political terminology. That is why Lincoln thinks that freedom in the North is different from freedom in the South. Yes, the â€Å"new birth of freedom† as described by Lincoln defines the widening of freedom contents. Freedom in the South meant independence towards governance of self, assurance of property security and economic independence for more valuable and innovative opportunities. The freedom from slavery was one of the main intentions of the participation in the civil war by the Southern Whites. Majority of the Southern Whites strangled for independence in order to eliminate slavery since they felt that slavery had been used as a means of getting freedom. Although many where fighting to end slavery, Thomas Jefferson owning more than 100 slaves authored a text on â€Å"the inalienable right to liberty. † In one way or the other he was right since the ownership of slaves meant security and prosperity in economic status of an individual during the 19th century. Unfortunately, one would ask, whether the slaves were not entitled to freedom of movement and self expression and individual security. In addition, it was easy then to ask, whoever was entitled to freedom and what the meaning of freedom was. The Northern Whites on the other hand fought for the security of Union as one way of gaining liberty. This entailed the ending of slavery for liberty to prevail. Lincoln further evoked the masses in the Northern by telling them that freeing slaves would be like freeing the free. The 1862 December was the Emancipation Proclamation Congress, in which Lincoln was moved to stir up the understanding of freedom in terms of freeing slaves. The termination of slavery would help to free the whole society, the rich and the poor. It was emphasized that freedom of the United States Whites would signify freedom to the entire globe. With reference to Lincoln, the term liberty provoked different understanding of from different personalities. He said, â€Å"†¦but using the same word we do not mean the same thing. † This was an observation he made in 1864. According to his observation, he states that in the North, freedom is a term used to refer to personal ability to enjoy the fruit of his sweat. The motive in the Northern residents was to work for good product and enjoying it. While in the south the move towards freedom referred to the ability to become a master and enjoy the result of other persons work. The advocated for slavery. This was against the principles of work as per Lincoln’s understanding. Lincoln feels that it slavery reflects theft of some kind since slavery stole other person’s of their hard work. The master enjoys the fruit of slaves’ hard work. Furthermore, it is from the First World War that the rights of voting are granted to women who attained the age of 18 year. The 1865 Union’s victory evoked the debates on nationality of Americans. Victory meant national norm. The redefinition of who an American citizen was became of paramount importance to incorporate different races of America as citizens. The fight for citizenship and voting rights as well as property ownership soon became a source of freedom to the enslaved. Union victory became symbolic of war freedom in terms of empowerment and equal opportunity to all American citizens. As mentioned earlier in this text that Douglass felt that freedom came only if the Black American was fully freed from slavery. He insisted that unless the black American had the right to vote then he was not free. The black American was allowed to vote. Nonetheless, by1890’s the South scraped off their voting rights thus emancipation of the Africa Americans. Liberty as defined by the Southern Planter class, did not allow African Americans on the choice to work on plantations. After the civil war most Southern Whites expected to continue with plantation farming at the expense of African American’s freedom. This meant that African Americans would only receive some form of wages for the labor they offered. Conversely, they were not free to choose on whether or not to work in the plantations. By 1865, Freedom had not yet come to the former slaves in the South even after the end of slavery. Freedom to the Black was confined within limited boundaries which meant advanced slavery. In this context, a planter wrote that beside a man being free, they may lack independence, which implied that African Americans needed not be given the right to vote nor the ownership of land. It was later on discovered that the African American slaves’ freedom implied freedom from forced labor. The reconstruction of 1865- 1866, came up with a rules and regulations governing their freedom limits. The African American former slaves were forced to sign labor contracts and start working on the plantations in the South. This was a rule under the president Johnson who as a result was impeached for the violation of human rights. The question on citizenship was so disturbing that even in the 1940s it was not easy for Asians to gain citizenship by naturalization although their children born in America automatically became citizens. There was still lack of freedom for American residents. Racial discrimination resulted from the barriers of citizenship. While Southern economy was based on agriculture, the northern economy was based on industrialization. Many factories were growing fast and making enormous profits in the North where freedom was experienced in transport systems. There was freedom of economy with factories making maximum profits. Unfortunately, that the immigrants of America within the cities especially in the factories worked under stressful and dangerous working conditions. Although some factory owner created habitable places for their workers most of them failed to acknowledge the need for hospitable working and living conditions for their workers. There was need for freedom from poor working conditions. Factory owners needed to be reminded on the need for clean working conditions. The cotton gin increased production at the expense of slave labor. Women fell victims of enslavement and needed to be freed. There was great desire to broaden freedom quotations for African Americans in the U. S factories. Despite the constant strive to gain liberty in different perspectives; White Americans have sluggishly accepted the African and Asian American as equals. It has take centuries to even have African American be recognized as people who need equal constitutional rights. Nevertheless, the situation is changing with modernity to extend of electing a Black American president as recently Barrack Obama was. Non whites have had to fight uncontrollably to gain that position. Numerous reconstruction presidential reconstruction amendments have been put in place in the fight for liberty. Women were termed as unequal; men took a superior position in all domains of learning and economics as well as politics. In conclusion, there are different definitions of the term freedom depending on the region or the speaker. Lincoln discussed freedom in the South as economical in which masters had power over their servants. The servants were basically slaves. He also described freedom in the North as one that set slaves free from all aspects of forced labor, taxation any form of mistreatment. The planter also describes freedom as the one in which a freed slave would only need to get some wages but have no choice of whether or not to work in the whites plantations. It was mandatory for the slave to work for the master in order to ensure freedom of the Southern masters in terms of economic development. Finally citizenship and freedom of the union victory were form of freedom for the U. S residents. However, it is undisputed that most of the early African Americans bought their way to freedom and citizenship through slavery or even participating successfully in the civil war. Some African American had to take part in revolution in the fight for freedom. We still have to reexamine the meaning of freedom in more fields in the U. S where there is discrimination and racial prejudice. References Donald & Herbert D. (1995). Lincoln. New York: Simon and Schuster Eric J. (1993). To wake the Nations: Race in the Making of American Literature. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Eric F. (1995). Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology Of the Republication Party Before Civil War. New York: Oxford University Press. Herman B. (2000). A New Birth of Freedom: The Republican Party and Freedmen’s Rights, 1861-1866. New York: Fordham University Press. Neely M. E. (1991). The Fate of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties. New York: Oxford University Press. Paul C. N. (1971). The Sacred Trust: American Nationality 1798-1898. New York: Oxford University Press.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Mass Extinction of Biodiversity from the Enchanted...

The Earth, housing over 8.5 million species and currently the only proven body in the universe to hold a biosphere, maintaining its population through constant stability cycles. When an undefined region maintains constant weather patterns annually, this is called climate. When these patterns dramatically change and new annual patterns are established the climate changes. Electricity production, the source of most modern technologies is mainly produced by the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal. The constant burning of these fuels produce greenhouse gas emissions which integrate into the atmosphere blocking heat from escaping the earth. The sun rays that penetrate the earth’s atmosphere heat the earth’s lithosphere and then radiate back towards space. With the increase of greenhouse gasses, a higher percentage of rebound from the sun rays is absorbed and trapped by the gases, causing additional heating on the earth’s surface. Biodiversity is the variation of flora and fauna on the earth or in a particular region. Climate change effects biodiversity throughout the world through unbalancing temperatures. The change effects portions of ecosystems but due to the interlinking of these systems there structure functioning will be significantly altered, leading into a knock on effect which will in turn cause more biodiversity reduction. The Biodiversity of a region requires time to adapt to prolonged temperature changes outside tolerance levels, in order to survive and if not the